Monday, June 4, 2012
Have you seen the movie the Hangover and the Hangover Part Two? I have yet to see either film, but I've heard good reviews about both movies. I guess the big question would be this. Would I be the type of guy who would get so falling down drunk, that I'd wake up one morning with a tattoo, a weird haircut, a missing tooth, weird pet animals in an unfamiliar building with the floor littered with empty beer can and wine bottles with half of the police and organized crime looking for me and not know what I did the previous evening? I would never engage in such behavior. I never and would never aspire to get so drunk that I'd run the risk of dying of alcohol poisoning. Even if I were drunk which is impossible because I don't drink that much liquor, I would like to think that I would continue to exhibit the same behavior that I'd engage in while sober. Just because a person is drunk, doesn't mean that excuses them from the need to act like polite and proper gentlemen and ladies. Just because a person is drunk doesn't mean that a different code of conduct must apply only to the chronic alcoholics. The same rules of socially appropriate conduct applies to drunk people as it does to sober people. I would hope that the Hangover Part Three ends with all the fictional film characters seeking Alcoholics Anonymous, but I doubt that would happen. It takes some people longer to grow up than other people.

As I thank GOD that I drink steaming mugs of coffee instead, here are some photos of film actress and rock star Joanna Noëlle Blagden Levesque (Or simply known as JoJo).