Tuesday, June 26, 2012


As a society, we have survived blackouts without the world going to heck.  We survived without computers up until the 20th century without society going to heck.  As a society, we were able to survive without the Industrial Revolution until we realized how badly we needed it when it finally arrived.  War torn civilization or dictatorship ravaged countries deprived of running water, electricity, gas, telephone and computers have survived to tell the story.  If there was some freak disaster that eliminates technology 100% forever, I'm sure we as a society will survive with American Democracy intact.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some bright genius manages to find a way to switch modern technology back on.  Though everything stored on computers that doesn't have a paper written backup will need to be rewritten.  Yes, that part will be a pain.  However, society will endure.  The Human Race has survived worse with it's head held high.  And that's the one thing about the Human Race that I admire most of all.

While I'm contemplating the ability to survive the loss of modern technology, here are some photos of sexually erotic film and television actress Jessica Biel.