Thursday, June 28, 2012


Yes, there are ping pong games in the Olympic Games.  You don't hear much about it in the United States of America Olympic Games coverage for a very good reason.  You see, the United States of America doesn't have a ping pong team for the Olympic Games.  The United States of America isn't as driven into creating superstar ping pong game champions like they do over there in Asia.  Perhaps you might see a one person United States of America Ping Pong team compete in the Summer Olympics only to be shut out after the first round.  And the weird thing is that us Americans isn't bothered by such a notion.  Us Americans must win gymnastics, baseball, basketball, tennis, soccer, boxing, track, swimming and equestrian.  However, us Americans isn't bothered by the notion that we're always getting shut out of the Summer Olympic Ping Pong competition games.  Maybe someday that will change, but there won't be a billion dollar magazine coverage for United States of America ping pong games anytime soon.  I've played ping pong and it's a very good sport.  I don't understand why ping pong isn't as huge as tennis.

While I'm lost in thought about ping pong games, here are some photos of film actress and country music star Julianne Hough.  Julianne Hough is the second incarnation of Ariel Moore in the remake reboot of the film series Footloose (The sequel remake reboot of the original Footloose film doesn't have the number two at the end of the title).  Yup, they're still fighting music and dancing censorship instigated by extremist Christian  fundamentalism in the deep south in the Footloose film universe.