Tuesday, June 26, 2012


According to the calander of the South American Native American Indian Tribe known as the Mayans, the world will end on December 22, 2012.  Even though the Mayan South American Native American Indian Tribe was defeated in the 16th century, their calander continued until December 22, 2012.  But what do we know about the Mayans?  Well, there still are pockets of Mayan to this very second, but none of them are able to continue their own calander to avert the end of the world.  We know the Mayan South American Native American Indian Tribe lived in stone cities that were more advanced than any stone city found in 16th century Europe.  We know that the Mayan Tribe built pyramids without any contact whatsoever with Ancient Egypt.  Plus, we know the 16th century Mayan Tribe can predict the future as far forward as the 21st century.  So as we prepare for the end of the world on December 22, 2012, how about I propose a soundtrack for the end of days.  Let's listen to every Beach Boys album ever recorded in chronological order while going on a roadtrip up and down the backroads of the United Kingdom.  Hey, I know it's a weird idea, but I'm in a weird sort of mood right now.
While I wait for the end of the world on December 22, 2012, here are some photos of beautiful sexually seductive film and television actress Kristen Bell.

Kristen Bell and Kristen Chenoweth