Friday, June 29, 2012


Gentle Reader, I'm sorry to tell you this.  I know you thought this would last for eternity.  However, there was a lot of screaming and yelling in private that outnumbered the hand holding combined with public displays of affection outside.  However, the bad ended up outnumbing the good.  And the plot twist shocker that nobody expected resulted from five years of what was supposed to be happy wedded bliss.  Yes Gentle Reader, it's true.  Tom Cruise is divorcing Katie Holmes.  Who knew that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes five years of marriage was falling apart so badly that divorce court was the only way out.  They didn't even try legal seperation first.  Maybe Katie Holmes didn't like being forced to convert from Catholicism to Scientology.  Or perhaps she didn't like the movies Tom Cruise was filming.  Or perhaps Katie Holmes didn't like Tom Cruise's political opinions.  Or perhaps there was some other reason.  Whatever the reason is, Tomkat is finished forever.  Katie Holmes is a single unattached woman and an unwed signle mother of one daughter from now on.  One of the reasons for the surprise divorce was Tom Cruise's bizzare wishes for the daughter he got Katie Holmes pregnant with.  According to the tabloids and being a devout follower of Scientology, Tom Cruise wanted to send his daughter Suri Cruise to live, work and be educated by top secret hard core Scientology organization called Sea Organization.  From what I understand, Sea Organization involves Scientology worshippers dressed in navy sailor uniforms, living in boats and living according to the L. Ron Hubbard and his sacred Bible of Scientology entitled Dianetics.  Not wishing Suri Cruise to be involved with Sea Organization, Katie Holmes sought out a divorce lawyer to end her marriage to Tom Cruise.  The drama continues....     

As Katie Holmes ends her five year mariage to Tom Cruise in divorce court, here are some photos of some of the happier moments of her five years as a lawfully wedded wife.  This will be divorce #3 for Tom Cruise.  His previous marrage to Mimi Rogers (Who introduced him to Scientology)
and his previous marriage to film actress Nicole Kidman
also ended in divorce.  The question that tabloid reporters are curious about is who will be Tom Cruise's ex-wife #4.