Thursday, June 28, 2012


Avril Lavigne wasn't sure why she was doing this.  The house belonged to a career criminal who made a habit of kidnapping girls, tying them up, placing gags over their mouths and the girls never moved again.  And being born female, Avril Lavigne was in the direct line of fire.  Yet, she wasn't going to back down.  The career criminal who kidnaps girls, ties them up and makes them not to move again must be defeated.  She opened the door with caution.  She stepped inside.  Nothing.  Nobody was inside.  Or rather, she didn't see anybody in the first floor.  She didn't check the second floor or the basement yet because she just entered.  A sound.  It came from the basement.  She knew she might regret it, but Avril Lavigne walked downstairs towards the basement anyway.  What she saw shocked her.  What she saw will change her forever.  The horrible sight that Avril Lavigne saw in the basement of a professional career criminal who kidnaps girls (Such as herself) was.....
This story will be continued tomorrow......