Monday, June 25, 2012


I started the day off with a little bit of gardening.  To be more exact, there was some weeds that needed to be pulled and planter boxes removed.  Yes, it was time consuming, but at least it's done.  Plus, I had some extra time available to go job hunting.  I'm still unemployed, but I'm still looking.  There was a rib festival next to the Strongsville City Hall and Police Station on Friday, Saturday last week and Sunday this week that I missed.  I didn't have any cash in my wallet.  And it's necessary to pay to enter and you needed to pay for the ribs.  Plus, I needed to pay for drinks.  Oh yes, don't forget the sides that must be paid for too.  Try to keep in mind that unemployment compensation from the Department of Jobs and Family Services is my only source of income.  Unless I'm lucky enough to be employed, it will be difficult to enjoy the rib festival.  Oh course, the downside is that when I do find employment, I won't be able to show up for the rib festival anyway because my work hours will conflict.  And that's the double edged sword that I face.  Still, it's better to be employed than it is to earn unemployment compensation.  However, I'm glad that unemployment compensation is around to function as a temporary safety net until I can get back on my feet again.

As I fill out another job application form with hypothetical ribs, corn on the cob and soda pop in hand, here are some photos of film and television actress Leighton Meester.