Monday, June 11, 2012


Before I begin, here are some photos of film actress Mena Suvari.

Forget the time mounted on this blog entry.  This blog always posts the wrong time on the right date.  It's actually closer to 5:00 in the afternoon.  I'm eating dinner.  It doesn't look like evening because daylight still fills the sky.  However, the clock says otherwise.  So it's evening playing the role of daytime.  And such confusion will remain for the next two and 3/4 months.  Not that I'm counting.  Though Summer tends to fly past quickly, I'm actually hoping that Summer will last a tiny bit longer.  I'm saying this mostly because it's easier to go job hunting when it's scorching hot outside.  Though I will go job hunting when it's cold and snowing, I much prefer the Summer.  Actually, all four seasons has it's good points and bad points.  I tend to prefer the good points.
And so I'm unemployed, but not out of luck.  I'll simply try harder when filling out job application forms.  For Summer is the season of optimism and hope.  And I still have hope that my life will improve after going backwards almost non-stop since 2009. 

I've enjoyed watching films that Mena Suvari has acted in.  Ok, the only films I actually saw her perform in are American Beauty and The Rage:  Carrie 2.  I always intended to watch the American Pie series ( Mena Suvari only appears in American Pie, American Pie 2 and American Reunion).  I know the filmography of Mena  Suvari is a bit more extensive than that.  Sometime, I'll have enough time to see a few more films that Mena Suvari has acted in.