Sunday, April 29, 2012


So it's Sunday.  Saturday is behind us.  Monday is in front of us.  And here I am.  I'm unemployed.  I would like to be employed.  So I'll keep on my quest for employment.  What else is there to do beyond going hunting for employment.  Well it's Sunday morning.  Soon, I'll be needing to walk the pet dogs Furby the Furball and Elaina Baina.  Soon, I'll be eating breakfast.  Coffee will be consumed.  I'll be cleaning the house a little bit.  I spent a large portion of Saturday removing the dust from my bedroom.  My bedroom was way too dusty.  I've been cleaning the bathroom too.  The rugs needed to be vacuumed.  A clean house is a happy house.  A dirty house is a sad house.  It's far better to live in a house that's clean and happy.  It's cold outside.  It rained for most of yesterday morning.  The rain was gone by yesterday afternoon.  It doesn't look like it's raining now.  It's still cold no doubt, but the rain has gone at least.  It's not much, but it's a start.

While I'm starting to get ready to enjoy Sunday morning, here are some photos of film and television actress Hayden Panettiere.