Monday, April 30, 2012
So who invented scrambled eggs? That's something that I always wondered. I researched the topic of scrambled eggs on the Internet and found nothing about who invented this tasty breakfast meal. I mean, did somebody accidentally spill a broken egg on the way to the Stone Age version of the trash can and spilled the contents on some rock nearby the campfire. Being too lazy to scrape off the egg, realized that it was tasty and shared it with everybody he/she shared his/her stone age cave with? Or was there some other way that scrambled eggs were invented. Whoever invented scrambled eggs is forever shrouded in autonomy and that's a shame. Because whoever invented scrambled eggs had the potential of going down in history as one of the greatest cooks in the universe. Who invented scrambled eggs will forever go down as one of the greatest mysteries ever---Right there along with who invented the wheel, who invented cooking over fire and who stone tools. I guess there are some mysteries that we'll never truly know the answer to. Oh well, such things happen.
While I'm lost in thought about scrambled eggs, here are some photos of sexually seductive film and television actress Cobie Smulders.