Saturday, April 21, 2012
I'm constantly changing and evolving. Only comic book characters stay the same. The rest of humanity is always shifting and evolving. Some of us changes and evolves into somebody better. Some of us are shifting and evolving into something less than savory. It's my hope that I'm shifting and evolving into somebody who's better. I'm hoping that I'm slowly improving as a human. In the end, isn't that the one thing we always wanted is to be a better person. In the beginning, all our mistakes was the attempt to do something better, but only chose the wrong path to go about it. However, it's our ability to acknowledge that sometimes the wrong path has been taken. In if the wrong path has been taken, it takes a better person to set out to find the wrong path. There's nothing wrong with wanting to walk away from the wrong path and towards the right path. We all want to walk towards the light in the end. Just make sure the light at the end of the tunnel isn't an oncoming train. It's better to be walking towards the light of redemption instead.
While I'm lost in thought about my concerns for the future, here are some photos of rock star Ellie Goulding.