It's Saturday Morning. I have woken up. I'll be feeding the dogs Furby the Furball and Elaina Baina in a few minutes. I'll be walking the dogs in the backyard too. Perhaps then it might have been a good idea to bring my coat along. Why do I keep forgetting to bring my coat along. It's too cold to walk around outside without a coat. When I finish writing this paragraph, I'll walk upstairs and get my coat. Of course, if I were better with time management, I'll get the coat and then write this paragraph. One of these days, I'll be getting better with time management. At any rate, I can't wait for weather in Cleveland, Ohio to improve to such an extent that I won't need to wear a coat outside when walking the dogs. Anyway, once I walk the dogs, then it will be time for breakfast. Ah yes, Saturday morning. The Weekend. The time for relaxation. The problem is that I'm unemployed. So relaxation is all that I've ever done recently. I would like to be employed so I won't have so much relaxation to do. Getting an honest wage for honest labor fills me with happiness and joy. And I'll keep filling out job application form after job application form until I find an employer who's willing to employ me. I'll be drinking coffe a few minutes from now. Saturday morning is always so much better with coffee being consumed. It's hard to imagine that there once was a Saturday morning that didn't involve coffee. It's thankful that those days are behind us because we now have coffee to make Saturday morning so much better. So let's all raise our coffee mugs to Saturday morning. Life is better with coffee.