Saturday, November 12, 2011


I'm lost in thought about my future. I could spend forever beating myself up, but it's better to come up with more constructive solutions. 1. Figure out how I ended up unemployed. 2. Figure out how to avoid making such mistakes (If such mistakes were made in the first place) so it won't happen again. 3. Create a plan of action so that the events that lead to my unemployment won't be repeated ever again. The fact that the Great Recession is going on might be a contributing reason. Being unemployed is a great time to analyze myself and make myself a better person. What sets humanity higher than wild animals is our ability to aspire to be better than we currently are. We know what we need to do to make ourselves more improved and create a plan to set such plans into action. No other species on Earth is able to do such a thing. All other species only run on instinct and nothing else. If that's the consequence of original sin, that I'll choose original sin any day of the week.

Anyway, the week is ending. A new week is starting. I'm lost in thought. I'm worried about my future. I want to be employed again. I know that I'll be employed again. My life will improve. Optimism is essential. While I pray to GOD for a brighter future, here are some photos of country music performer Faith Hill.