Sunday, November 13, 2011


Karen Carpenter was born in New Haven, Connecticut and she died on February 4, 1983. She formed a symbiotic partnership with her older brother (and professional piano player) Richard Carpenter and created the rock group duet The Carpenters. The Carpenters recorded sixteen albums (Including greatest hits collection). Karen Carpenter recorded one solo album (There are rumors that she recorded a second album with the Joey Ramone, but that particular albums keeps getting silenced by Richard Carpenter as an unauthorized bootleg). Anyway, Karen Carpenter was a huge rock star in the 1970's only to die in the early 1980's. Her biggest downfall was the disease of Aanorexia Nervosa. Anyway, Karen Carpenter starved herself to such an extent that even when she ate a filling Thanksgiving dinner while claiming to be cured, she died of an Anorexia Nervosa related heart attack anyway. She died in her bedroom in her parents house. Her condo was nearby, but she was feeling weak and unable to move very far. Anyway, don't follow Karen Carpenter's lead and starve yourself in order to remain thin and attractive (Especially if you're already thin). Society's unrealistic demands for perfection was the primary reason for Karen Carpenter's death. She died with fantastic potential unfulfilled. Someday, nobody else will need to die from Anorexia Nervosa.