Sunday, November 20, 2011


My brother Mitchell just got dumped by his girlfriend and he only recently discovered the magnitude of her betrayal. I won't go into details here in this internet blog, but it's a huge shock to me as it was to Mitchell. It's amazing how somebody could make claims of loyal friendship only to betray that trust the very next day. How have we as a society decayed so badly that such behavior would be rewarded as heroic and life affirming. Have we as a society decayed so badly that trust and loyalty no longer matter in the grand scheme of things. I'm sure my brother Mitchell will recover from the breakup. Still, it's not easy listening to the details. We as a society needs to learn to respect the feelings of the other person if we're to survive in this giant blue glass marble that we call Earth. We have to share a small confined space and we all have close to a hundred years maximum to live on it. We need to learn how to coexist without betrayal and without causing mistrust. Friendship should be prized much more highly than anything else. Without friendship and trust, chaos will prevail. It only takes one person to start a chain reaction that will lead towards harmony and utopia.
Anyway, that's my two cents worth. Here's some photos of TWILIGHT film series actress Kristen Stewert.