Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I shall produce to you photos of Nelly Furtado. Nelly Furtado is a Canadian from Victoria, British Columbia. Her parents originated from Portugal. She was born on December 2, 1978. I got all of that from the internet. I never actually met Nelly Furtado face to face. I do enjoy her albums, but current circumstances makes it difficult for me to show up at rock concerts. I'm not saying that going to rock concerts is forever impossible. I do have a plan. 1. I will find employment that will last longer than either Christmas, Easter or both. 2. Repay all of my college tuition loans. 3. Rebuild my saving account balance. 4. Once employment stability is certain and I'm able to earn enough to comfortable pay both the rent and utilities, then I'll relaunch my private apartment again. I'm not planning to stay with my Biologic Mom forever. This is just a temporary residential arrangement until I could get my life back on track. Sadly, my life slid off the rail road tracks and I'm still strugging to get my life returned to normal. I know that stability will return. I need to be determined and have enough self-confidence to want to rebuild my life. I shall be employed again. That much is certain.