Thursday, August 11, 2011


And there will be photos of Ashley Tisdale provided for you. Ashley Tisdale starred in the HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL trilogy and in the twenty-two episode television series HELLCATS on the CW Network. She also recorded a dance music album.

As for me, there are thoughts that come to mind from time to time. If somebody ever made a film biography of my life, who would play the role of me. To be more exact, would that performance be looked upon as the hero of the piece. Would that performance be looked upon as the villain of the piece. What would be the lasting legacy of my life. Try to keep in mind that there's nothing crucial going on in my life that could possibly produce a film biography. I'm also being morbid. However, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw tiny patches of grey hair. Normally, my hair would range between dirty blond to brown. But now, there are small patches of white hair on my head too. It's not enough white hair to require the use of hair dye, but I'm seven years away from fifty years old. I'm not that far away from getting a mid-life crises. I never thought I'd survive long enough to get a mid-life crises. I guess the point I'm making is that I'm not getting younger and my mid-life will be sooner than I would've expected. It's not something I think about often, but I'm eventually reminded of by tiny specks of white hair that suddenly appears on my head.