Let's go back to this remote control device that can control all of Hollywood from long distance without ever making contact with anybody famous. Just think about all the power I could have. Any film deal that I don't like would be ended. Any actor or actress I prefer could progress while any actor or actress I hate will slip down the tubes. Yet, Winona Ryder, Lindsay Lohan and the Dixie Chicks are still an outcasts who can't get a film deal despite my magic ability to control all of Hollywood long distance. Ok, the magic remote control device that can control all of Hollywood needs four batteries and only two out of four actually works. Still, I'm not going to let that slow me down. I got some television shows to shoot down just for laughs. Who cares about the lawsuits involved. I'm on a roll.
Yet, despite my magic ability to control all of Hollywood long distance with my magic Hollywood controlling remote control device, I'm still dependent on minimum wage labor for survival. The irony is that the man who can control all of Hollywood with a magic Hollywood controlling remote control device can't get hired by the same film studios that he terrorizes. Honestly, what's the point in having a magic remote control device that controls all of Hollywood if I never make it past the first level of Hollywood cattle call auditions? Anyway, I woke up from a weird dream and returned to reality.
The reality is that I'm just a normal person like everybody else. Minimum wage employment and unemployment compensation is my only sources of income. I would like a career in Hollywood, but it hasn't happened yet. Sorry for the wierd internet blog post. I'm in a weird mood.
Oh yes, here are some photos of actress and musician Lindsay Lohan.