And so there shall be photos of Demetria Devonne "Demi" Lovato. Listening to Demi Lovato albums is a great way to get my mind of the Great Recession. The United States of America is in horrible shape. If Congress continues to be paralyzed with gridlock, the Great Recession is only going to get worse. It's easy to blame the Republicans extremism. The extreme conservatives (Who claim membership to the Tea Party) are great when working under the leadership of a conservative leader. The extreme conservatives (Tea Party is more of a misnomer) are incapable of working under a liberal leader without paralyzing either the State or Federal Congress with gridlock. Are the so called Tea Party moving towards one party rule dictatorship with their refusal to take liberal Democrates seriously. I don't want to think that's possible, but I'm getting worried. I'm sorry for the harsh language. I'm in a blind panic. Failure to reach an agreement about repaying the United States of America's foreign debt could bring financial ruin to an already fragile economy. I'll be affected by an even more damaging recession just like everybody else. Being unemployed, I'm in the direct line of fire.
I've been unemployed for the past five months and I stand to lose badly if I don't get unemployment checks because gridlock first paralyzed the Minnesotta state Congress and later the Federal Congress. Democrats are insulting and blaming Republicans. Republicans are insulting and blaming Democrats. President Barack Obama walked out of the debt reduction committe conferance. There's no way of knowing if the conferance is ended or delayed.