I'm feeling better today. I'm having no problems posting internet blogs on my Livejournal web site. Though there are still glitches in the Cuyahoga County Public Library System, it's not nearly as bad as it was earlier in the week. I didn't do anything wrong aside from filling out college tuition loans, credit cards (I kicked that addiction forever) and the occasional habit of watching really bad movies. None of which could be considered a felony. I'm about as normal and well behaved as a person could get. I'm hoping that this internet blog won't be the death of me. I'm trying hard to be as socially acceptable as possible. Only GOD is allowed to be perfect and free of flaws. Despite that, Jesus Christ still ended up getting betrayed and crucified for heresy of all things. Personally, having somebody nailed to a plank of wood as punishment for not having the same religious beliefs that the community has is a bit extreme. I'm thankful the law enforcement community has improved since that moment. Anyway, today is Friday and it's almost the end of the week. And to celebrate this wonderful Friday afternoon, here are some photos of Scarlett Johansson.