Good news everybody, today is the day you get to see photos of Katy Perry. Born under the name Kate Hudson, she legally changed her name because there's already a famous person also named Kate Hudson. After releasing a now out of print album filled with born again Christian music, she switched to dance music with two more albums.
Meanwhile, in my existence, I'm unemployed. I've been filling out lots of job application forms in hopes of being employed again. Most people isn't interested in seeing gridlock blocking economic growth in the name of political principles. Most people would rather see the recession finally end without the unnecessary drama from Capitol Hill. I've heard from a newspaper editorial from the Clevelands Plains Dealer that former President Ronald Reagen never approved of using gridlock to cause the economy to crash just to prove a polticial point. Yet, so called Tea Party conservatives are doing exactly that in their reckless inability to compromise with a liberal Democratic Party elected President Barack Obama. Part of working in business and politics is finding a common ground with everybody---Including people who's political beliefs are different from your own. I'm praying to GOD every night that the United States economy doesn't crash from the never ening gridlock that's blocking progress in Congress recently.