It rained last night. It's not raining anymore. However rain has caused the eighty degree temperature to lower a bit. So now it's closer to sixty degrees for most of next week. That means less sunblock. It's easy for me to get sunburns. Perhaps a bit too easy. I don't like sunburns. Not only will it be harder for me to go job hunting with sunburns. Sunburns is also uncomfortable, plus it could lead to skin cancer. At any rate, my pale skin needs to be taken care of. Oh let's see, what else is going on. The grass needs to be mowed. However, the backlawn is still wet from the rain and is likely to be so for most of the week. The back lawn tends to dry slower because of the clay-like soil. I don't know how a farm actually functioned in this cul-de-sac considering the clay like soil is actually adverse to any form of farming. I guess that's one of the reasons why there's a cul-de-sac here instead of the farm that once was here. I'm not sure how much of Strongsville (A suburb of Cleveland, Ohio) has clay-like soil instead of dirt based soil. However, there's enough clay in the backyard to create several ceramics cups, a few ceramic bowls and a few ceramic plates.
Anyway, while I'm looking at the backyard before going job hunting on the internet, here are some photos of film actress (And daughter of film and television actress Golie Hawn) Kate Hudson.