Friday, June 24, 2011


And I shall offer to you some photos of Selena Gomez. Selena is a hispanic born actress and dance music performer. Also, I shall offer some opinions about life, the universe and everything. I'm proud to say that I've spent my entire life sober. I've never done drugs either. It's possible to gain happiness without chemical addiction. It's sad to see people addicted to chemicals. Such people are missing out in the whole point of living.
Also, with all the textile mills and clothing manufacturing plants going overseas to avoid expensive union costs. While Corporate America has gone global, Labor Unions are only interesting in the United States of America. Corporate America knows this when they move overseas. The Labor Unions have two options available. Number one, Labor Unions can do nothing while their membership rouster drops and they declair bankruptcy. That's what Corporate America is hoping will happen. All those blood, sweat and tears are for nothing. Number two, Labor Unions can go global since Corporate America is global. You would've figured that would be the most logical agenda for Labor Unions. But no, that would mean leaving their air conditioned limousines to risk their lives in foreign countries. It would involve getting to know the cultures of foreign countries. Until Labor Unions realize that only existing in the United States of America and nowhere else is hopelessly outdated, Labor Unions will slowly become more and more of an endangered (and soon to be extinct) species. It's such a shame that Labor Unions still isn't global. That would be the most tragic mistake of them all.