Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I'm watching a news report on CNN about Oktoberfest turning two hundred years old while typing in the two computer computer lab at Buehlers Supermarket. I didn't realize that Oktoberfest has been around for such a long time. I'm not sure who invented Oktoberfest, but it's a good holiday.
Nothing much is going on in my life beyond watching CNN in Buehler's Supermarket. I'm feeling calm and relaxed. I'm working minimum wage at Mr. Hero Restaurant while living in Cleveland, Ohio. Yes, I do miss living in Columbus, Ohio. I miss having my own apartment and living on my own terms. I miss the usual hangouts that I enjoyed while living in Columbus, Ohio. However, I will get my own apartment restored. First, I have to pay the United States Government college tuition loans that I owe down to zero. I needed to pay college tuition assistence loans to pay for tuition to attend Ohio State University and Franklin University. Even though I have yet to finish my quest for a Bachelor of Science in Busines Administration, it's better to pay off the college tuition loans right now.