I'm not really sure what to write about. I'm certain that if I keep typing on the word processor, that something clever will come to me. If nothing clever comes to me, I'll just keep typing anyway. Type. Type. Just keep typing. Something clever and witty will pop into your head eventually. I'm typing another sentence. Maybe I'll type another sentence. I'll just keep typing sentences. Yes, the paragraph is almost nearly done. Should I write another paragraph. Will just one paragraph be enough. I'm still trying to decide. I only have a few seconds to make my mind. Yes, maybe we'll need a second paragraph. Two paragraphs might be sufficient. We'll see what happens.
Welcome to the second paragraph. It's ninety degrees outside. It might rain, but the sky is much too clear and blue for that to happen. The grass is green. I enjoy bright green grass. I always enjoyed bright green grass. I hope you're enjoying the second paragraph. I spent all of five seconds trying to figure out what should be the topic of discussion for the second paragraph. The clock is ticking. I should ride my bike to my place of employment. My internet surfing session is nearly at an end. I hope you enjoy this internet blog. I hope you find it informative. I'm not good when it comes to spelling. Thank GOD for the spell check function for the word processor.