Thursday, March 11, 2010
I woke up in the morning. I showered and groomed myself. After getting dressed, I fed and walked the pet dogs---Freckles (a female canine), Furby the Furball (a female canine) and Tippy (a male canine). Furby's cage needed fresh newspaper. All three pet dogs eats dry dog food. One orange juice container used as a dry dog food scoop for each dog. I ate breakfast while reading the morning paper. Breakfast cereal with sliced bannanas, orange juice and coffee. I never eat my breakfast cereal with milk. I prefer my dry cereal to remain dry. I'm odd that way. Anyway, I peddled from my house to the Medina County District Library. I'm surfing the internet before clocking in to work at Mr. Hero Restaurant. The good news is that the recession is slowly comming to an end. The unemployment in Cleveland, Ohio is lower than the unemployment rate in Columbus, Ohio.