Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I'm not sure if you could purchase a cuckoo clock on the internet.  I guess it's possible to purchase a cuckoo clock on the internet.  However, I should wait until I move out of my Mom's house and into my own apartment before I start to go cuckoo clock shopping.  I got enough of my personal possessions in the basement of my Mom's house as it is.  It's better to wait until I'm relaunched back into adulthood before I start to go cuckoo shopping.  Still, it's always a good idea to have a cuckoo clock shopping spree planned in the back of my head once I'm employed again, relaunched into adulthood and back into my own apartment again.  Having plans for the future is always important.
While I'm busy thinking about cuckoo clocks and assorted other topics, here is a photo of film and television actress Michelle Williams.