Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bela Padilla interviewed live by BBC; apologizes to those offended by her controversial FHM cover pictorial

Bela Padilla FHM
The racist allegations about the controversial cover photo of FHM Philippines continue. But its subject, Bela Padilla, reiterates on her interview with BBC World News, "We weren't thinking of harming anyone and we weren't thinking of racial discrimination."

Bela Padilla interviewed live by BBC; apologizes to those offended by her controversial FHM cover pictorial

Bela Padilla's controversial cover photo for the March 2012 issue of FHM Philippines continues to become a hot topic that it has now reached international headlines.

The cover photo, which was immediately recalled by FHM Philippines, showed Bela clad in a sexy fuschia bikini and being surrounded by "black" female models.

Below the cover was the blurb: "Bela Padilla: Stepping Out Of The Shadows."

International news agency BBC News picked up the ongoing debate and asked its subscribers whether the allegations of racism was intended on the photograph.

This was posted on BBC's Facebook fan page last night, February 28.

Like what happened on FHM Philippines' Facebook page last weekend, the BBC post was also swarmed by different opinions from its subscribers.

Facebook user Ruth Elias commented: "Definitely racist and offensive. The caption and the body language of the models says it all. They are all submissive."

Joanna Rimmer also posted a similar opinion: "I find it vulgar and yes, rather racist. Sick and tired of seeing women portrayed in this manner."

NO INTENTION TO DISCRIMINATE. However, in her interview with BBC News' Mishal Husain, Bela reiterated that the picture has no intention of discriminating any race.

The GMA-7 talent said, "I don't really have any idea that I would get such negative reaction.

"But I was proud with the cover we did because racism was totally out of our heads.

"So I didn't expect that we'd get negative feedback from it because we had no intention of discriminating anyone anyway."

Bela's interview was broadcast live last night, February 28, on BBC's Impact.

Here is an excerpt of that interview:

Mishal: "When you saw that picture of you and the black model behind you and 'stepping out of the shadows,' it didn't ring any alarm bells to you?

Bela: "Honestly, I saw the picture before I saw the layout page with the caption. So I was as shocked as everyone when I saw the caption.

"But if the people get to read the article there, then you would understand why FHM chose that caption."

Mishal: "Did you think when you, first of all, saw this, you were surrounded by black models, was there nothing in that thing that makes you think or gave you clues on how would this might end up?"

Bela: "You have to understand that we took the shot because it's my coming of age here in the Philippines.

"I'm an actress here and we're trying to change my image from the younger bracket to an older one.

Source: PEP