I should be going to bed soon. I shouldn't be staying up so late. I need at least eight hours of sleep. The need for eight hours of sleep is even more important since I still need to go job hunting. Once I find employment, I still need to repay the United States Government college tuition loans that I owe for attending (and still have yet to graduate) Franklin University. It would be nice if I were able to rebuild a surplus in my saving account. It would be nice if I were to grow up, become an adult, move out of my Mom's house and back into my own apartment again. I still have trouble believing that moving backwards is considered progress. I still believe that moving backwards is still considered to be moving backwards. It's frustrating when all efforts to repay my college tuition loans and have my own apartment restored keeps getting delayed further and further. If this is devine punishment for some horrible deed that I've done in a past Budhist Reinincarnation Incarnation, then isn't it safe to assume that I suffered enough. Anything beyond the indignity that I already suffered would be considered overkill. I guess it depends on if you consider Budhist Reincarnation to be a valid view of the afterlife. If there are such things as Budhist Reincarnation, then does that mean that my next incarnation won't stuck either going backwards or going nowhere fast like I'm constantly forced to endure? I guess that some people believe in Budhist Reincarnation because it's the ultimate reset button. If the current Budhist Reincarnation Incarnation turns out to be a lemon that accomplishes nothing, there's the chance that the next Budhist Reincarnation Incarnation will avoid all the mistakes that this Budhist Reinarnation Incarnation has made. Still, I need to survive the year 2012 with my dignity still intact, my college tuition loans starting to be repaid, my saving account advanced and my apartment restored---Or as close to that as possible.
As I'm struggling to restore my life back to normal and as I fill out job application forms, here are some photos of the Norwegian rock group M2M starring Marion Raven and Marit Larsen.