Monday, February 27, 2012


It's hard for me to watch the Republican Party debates.  I'm too much of a Liberal to appreciate what the Conservatives have to say.  I can't say that the Environmental Protection Agency needs to be either weakened or eliminated because we need to take care of the environment.  I support civil rights and feminism too much to support laws weakening those groups.  I support labor unions too much to weaken them too.  I support health care reform.  Medical prices are too high.  However, demending that everybody must get medical insurance if the only medical insurance around is much too expensive to purchase.  Offer affordable insurance that an unemployed man earning unemployment compensation (Like me) can afford and I'll support health care reform instantly.  However, Big Business Insurance Companies are much too powerful to allow that to happen. 
Saying that it's alright for the government to shed layers because religion and corporations will pick up the slack doesn't make sense.  Conservatives in the Federal Government is shedding layers because it's the State Government, Corporations and Christianity's job to pick up the slack.  Conservative corporations are too busy shedding layers to add schools, highways and post offices to their corporate infrastructure.  Besides, it's the Federal Government's job to pick up the slack.  Conservative Christianity is shedding layers because it's the Federal Government's job to pick up the slack.  The State government is shedding layers because it's the Local Government's job to pick up the slack.  The Local Government is shedding layers because it's the Federal Government's job to pick up the slack.  Conservatives are too busy refusing to take responsiblity and passing the job to somebody else.  However, there's nobody else left to take charge.  I'm not saying that Conservatives are a bunch of cowards, but somebody has to step in and take responsibility to fixing the United States of America.  The problem isn't going to fix itself if you ignore it long enough.  The so called Tea Party's shotgun tactics (You vote my way or I'll shut down the government forever) is too much like facism to possibly work in the United States of America.  Yes, I know that the United States Government can't spend like there's no tomorrow, but we can't gut the government to non existance either. 

While I'm trying to figure out how to fix the problems the United States of America, here are some photos of rock star (And once a member of the rock band M2M) Marit Elisabeth Larsen.