Monday, April 2, 2012
Without employment, I'm forced to live with my Biologic Mom and my brother Mitchel. My Mom has two pet dogs. Both of the pet dogs have light brown fur and appear to be mutts. The eldest pet dog is named Furby the Furball (She was originally named Cinnifur). The youngest of the two pet dogs is Elaina Baina. I don't have any pet animals. I tried to own pet fish, but it didn't work out as well as I was hoping. I had thought about purchasing a pet dog when I lived in Lexington Park Apartments, but I was rarely at home long enough to actually enjoy having a pet dog. Pet animals only work if you're at home long enough to enjoy the pet animal. I needed two minimum wage jobs just to afford living in Lexington Park Apartments. Ah yes, those were the days when it was actually possible to be employed by two separate employers simultaneously. Those were the days when it was actually possible to be employed by two separate employers simultaneously. These days, it's a miracle if I manage to be employed by one employer. The Great Recession has made life difficult for those of us who are stuck working minimum wage.
While I'm filling out job application forms, here is are some photos of Charles Kelly, Hillary Scott (The daughter of country music legend Linda Davis) and Dave Haywood aka Lady Antebellum. It's safe to assume that Charles Kelly and Dave Haywood wasn't the ones who came up with the group name of Lady Antebellum (I could be wrong though).