Monday, April 2, 2012


I tried to be an oil painting artist.  The problem with trying to be an oil painting artist is my inability to draw anything beyond stick figures.  You can tell a female stick figure from a make stick figure because female stick figures always wear skirts.  My ability to draw never evolved beyond that.  I know what you're thinking.  Why don't I turn a tractor into a giant music box and call it art?  Or why don't I just throw a bucket of paint against a fan and see where the paint drops fly upon the blank painting canvas?  Such a thing was considered if somebody hasn't already done it first.  And so with that option taken away, what else is there?  Oh well, some people are destined to draw pictures.  I'm not among them.  I'll be satisfied with writing stories, poems, novels and blog entries instead.  And if I have yet to earn a dime from anything I've written, I know that I have a hobby that's relaxing.  It's good to have a hobby to help you cope with the difficulties of everyday life.  Having a hobby makes life much more satisfying and rewarding.  And with that in mind, I shall take another sip of hot fresh brewed coffee.  After all, it's 7:18 in the morning---Even if the blog entries has it classified as 4:18 in the morning.
As I type out this internet blog entry, here is a photo of film actress Nicole Kidman and her lawfully wedded spouse and country music star Keith Urban.