Monday, April 2, 2012


So this should be time when I'll need to take a shower and groom myself.  This should be the time when I shave my face (Except for my mustache which stays).  This should be the time when I should eat breakfast.  I'll confess that it's easy to lose track of time when surfing the Internet.  It's so easy to get addicted to the Internet, that it's hard to believe that I manage to survive elementary school in the 1970's, junior high in the early 1980's and high school in the rest of the 1980's without the Internet.  Yes, I had a desktop computer for junior high and high school.  However, the outdated Texas Instruments is nothing like the current IMB computers with Microsoft software applications.  The outdated Texas Instruments had the most exaspirating word processing program.  You needed a password to enter the thing.  You needed a second password to save something on the really old fashioned floppy disk (The ones the size of tea saucers), you needed a third password to print anything and you needed a fourth password just to use the spell check.  And since I'm really good at misspelling words, that's a dangerous thing for a computer program to have. 
While I'm lost in thought about memories about desktop computers, here is a photo of country music star Katie Armiger.