Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I feel calm.  Yes, it would be nice if I were employed.  Yes, it would be nice if I could repay the United States Government college tuition loans for attending Franklin University.  It would've been nice if I were able to accomplish getting a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration before the bottom fell out.  It would be nice if I had a college degree that actually resulted in employment.  It would be nice if I had my own private apartment restored back to normal.  Yes, I know that I no longer live in Columbus, Ohio, but rather I live in Cleveland, Ohio.  Yes, in order for my own private apartment to be restored, my new apartment will need to be located in Cleveland, Ohio.  Still, it would be nice if I were able to move forward instead of moving backwards.  I've been moving backwards almost non-stop since 2009 and it's frustrating.  And my life moves so slowly.  My life moves slower than a daytime soap opera.  Yes, I know you're sick and tired of always hearing me complain.  What I'm trying to say is that I feel calm despite my life being both moving backwards and hopelessly stagnant.  I still believe that it's possible for me to be employed again.  It's possible for me to get my life back on track again.  I need one really good breakthrough that will get my life moving forward again.
While I'm filling out job application forms, here are some photos of country music rock group Phillip Sweet,Kimberly Schlapman, Karen Fairchild and Jimi Westbrook aka Little Big Town.  Below are some more photos of country music group Little Big Town.