So how did grass end up becoming green. Did GOD somehow woke up one morning and had to choose between making grass green and making grass blue. After much thought, he/she/it rolled some dice. If the number is over five, grass is green and if the dice is under five, grass is blue. After rolling the dice, the number of the nice rolled was six. So grass got to be green. If that wasn't the reason why grass is green, then was there a committee lead by GOD to decide the color of grass? I know this is a weird thing to talk about, but grass could easily have been purple, red or silver color instead. Grass didn't need to be green in color, but here it is. Grass is green and it's kind of stuck in that color. I'm sure grass wouldn't mind being green if grass had enough of a mind to think about it. Still, it kind of makes you wonder who chose to color the world in the manner that it was colored in.
While I'm thinking about grass, here is a photo of Miranda Lambert and her lawfully wedded spouse Blake Shelton.