So would I ever volunteer to appear before a reality television show? Would I volunteer to perform three months of work condenced within the span of less than three days before the most impossible to satisfy judges? The point of reality television is to see people who isn't psychologically stable unravel under the stress of impossible to satisfy challenges judged by impossible to satisfy people. It's a cruel way to spend an evening of television watching, but it's cheap for the networks to create. So the question still stands, would I agree to do it. Gentle Reader, you might be surprised to hear the answer. I did audition for the reality television series The Real World and Road Rules (Which once aired on MTV). Essentially, you audition for both shows at the same time. Those who don't get chosed for The Real World gets placed in the Road Rules category instead. However, I wasn't good enough to make to beyond the first level of reality television audition. I guess I'm not interesting enough for reality television. Or perhaps I wouldn't have an interesting enough reaction to reality television situations. Ok, nobody is ever voted out on either The Real World or Rule Rules. However, still, I didn't make the cut for reality television performance. And so my career as a reality television actor has ended before it ever got started. Oh well, such things happen.
While I'm lost in thought about reality television shows, here are some photos of husband and wife country music performing group Keifer Thompson and Shawna Thompson aka Thompson Square.