Monday, April 3, 2006

MySpace Removes 200,000 "users"

myspace logo


MySpace took drastic action last night removing over 200,000 profiles which it said contained objectionable material. The super site which boasts over 60 million registered users has received a fair amount of criticism over the past month, after parent and child protection groups argued that adults could stalk teens. They blame an area of the site which urges users to put details such as where they live and even where they study in their profiles.

The 200,000 users removed from the site mainly had content which was against the rules placed by myspace, these included content ranging from users preaching hate race material to those posting racy and even pornographic images. It was thought that bad press could lead to a potential loss in advertising revenue on the site which is owned by Rupert Murdoch.



“fortunately, mine was not cut…