Saturday, May 19, 2012


And so Summer has returned.  Actually, Summer 2012 officially starts next week.  But hey, Summer is just around the corner.  After a rather mild Winter, it often felt as if Auttumn 2011 never really left.  And now the Summer 2012 season that appeared so far away is finally upon us all.  Personally, I'd feel better if I were already employed.  It's not fun being unemployed for such a long time.  However, with Summer 2012 starting next week, at least, I'll have outdoor tempreture ranging between seventy degrees to ninety degrees outside.  I won't worry about freezing under layers of clothing.  I'll be breaking out the sunblock instead.  Since I have pale Caucasian skin, sunburns is just as dangerous to me as freezing to death.  Sunblock is very crucial to the preservation of my pale Caucasian skin.  Thankfully, the application of sunblock only takes a few minutes.  And the need to be employed is much more important than the outside elements.  And so with a bottle of sunblock in hand, I shall brave the great outdoors in my search for employment.  Well, not right now, because it's night.  It's hard to tell since the time on this block entry doesn't match the actual posting time of this blog, but it's night outside right now.  It's better to wait until morning before venturing outside in my search for employment.

As I fill out another job application form, here are some photos of sexually seductive film actress Julia Roberts.