Saturday, May 19, 2012


Mom and my brother Mitchel is taking four broken bicycle and a broken scooter in to the scrap metal yard in return for cash.  Even though the total cash value for the haul would be $5.00, it's better than no cash whatsoever.  And so the total number of bicycles as been altered from three functional bicycles, four broken bicycles and a functional bicycle without a seat to three functional bicycles and a bicycle without a seat.  It clears up a lot of space in the garage.  Getting rid of the broken bicycles for roughly $5.00 is probably cheaper than the expensive expense needed to repair four broken bicycles (Which would've costed more money than it took to purchase the bicyles in the first place).  Yes, there once was a time when all four broken bicycles were brand new and in peak condition.  However, entropy took over and diminished the value and functional use of the bicycles over time.  And so the four broken bicycles are sold to the scrap metal yard to be recycled in a new way.  And whatever new form the broken bicycles will become brand new, exciting and in peak condition once again.  And so the cycle continues with the helpful use of recycling.  Ah yes, recycling isn't just for Liberals (Like me) anymore.  Recycling can be used for everybody.

As I type out this sentence, here are some photos of film actress and rock star Lindsay Lohan.