Monday, April 2, 2012


So if a miracle from GOD doesn't arrive on Christmas Day, then there shall be a backup plan.  I shall wait for a miracle from GOD on Easter Day.  And if a miracle from GOD doesn't arrive on Easter Day, then there shall be a backup plan.  I shall wait for a miracle from GOD on the Fourth of July---Independence Day in the United States of America.  And if a miracle from GOD doesn't arrive on the Fourth of July, then there shall be a backup plan.  I shall wait for a miracle from GOD on Christmas Day.  I shall go through the same annual ritual without thought in a robotic manner.  After hitting my head against the wall, I shall come to a discovery.  Perhaps GOD helps those who helps themselves.  To be more exact, maybe the miracle from GOD isn't arriving because I'm not putting in much effort.  If nothing is contributed by me, nothing is going to result.  If I contribute my heart, my mind and my soul with one hundred percent of my blood, sweat and tears, then everything is going to result.  So after hitting my head against the wall after doing nothing, there shall be changes.  I shall do everything to build my paradise instead of waiting for some intangible guy in the sky to do the work for me.  The Book of Revelations isn't an excuse for laziness people.  Try to use some initiative.  I'm sure GOD will approve if you work a little bit harder to take care of the Earth, give jobs to the unemployed, feed the hungry, help the disadvantage and protect the environment.  It's not necessary to wait until the end of the world because the Holy Bible promises a brand new planet will be created as a reward for wrecking the old planet so carelessly.

While I'm lost in thought about run on sentences, bravery and taking a few risks to improve your life in an honest, law abiding manner, here are some photos of soon to be legendary film actress, television actress and country music star Reba McEntire.