Monday, April 2, 2012


I'm not allowed to hop on my bicycle and go job hunting.  Do you want to know why?  Because my Mom wants me to wait for a slow UPS truck to arrive.  Somebody needs to be here to sign for the special delivery package.  Since the slow UPS truck still hasn't arrived, I have to put my job hunt on hold while I wait for the slow UPS truck to eventually get here.  If I were allowed to be a grownup and not a glorified child, then I'd be living in my own private apartment.  I'd tell the landlord to sign for the special delivery package so I won't have to put my whole life on hold playing the waiting game.  However, I'm in the suburbs.  And waiting for the slow UPS truck is part of suburban life.  So here I go waiting and waiting and waiting.  I can still go job hunting on the internet since I can't do so in person.  If I'm lucky, my brother Mitchel will arrive to wait for the slow UPS truck instead of me.  However, I'm still waiting for the second slow UPS truck waiting shift to arrive.

While I'm waiting for the slow UPS truck to arrive, here is some photos of country music star Taylor Swift.