I don't know if I still have to wait for the slow UPS truck to arrive. The two day delivery is taking a week just to get delivered. United States Government efficiency at it's best. I don't know if the package was even sent by UPS in the first place. I won't have to worry about waiting for the slow UPS truck on Thursday or Friday. However, I might still be on the first shift of the slow UPS truck waiting. I'll still be able to get my job hunting efforts accomplished, though the time at my disposal won't be as huge is it normally is. And the weather is now technically Spring, but still rather chilly. There's a story in the Business Section of the Plains Dealer about unpaid United States Government college loans. Among the statistics $36 billion in student loans still hasn't been paid by former college students now sixty years of age or older. 10% or more are delinquent. I don't want to be among those individuals. With that in mind, it's important for me to repay my United States Government college loans as soon as possible. The only income cash I've got is unemployment compensation. So I guess I'll use my United States Government unemployment compensation to repay my United States Government college tuition loans. I don't want to still be in debt to the United States Government at the youthful age of sixty. Oh my GOD, I just realized that I'll be sixty years old sixteen years from now. I better get started.
While I'm worried about slow UPS trucks and unpaid college tuition loans, here is a photo of country music star Laura Bell Bundy.