Wednesday, April 4, 2012


You'll never see me go skydiving.  I'm not sure if this is something that I already talked about, but there are several reasons why I won't go skydiving. 
1.  I have nearsighted vision which require eyeglasses.  What happens if my eyeglasses fall off while I'm going skydiving.  Since I can't see far away without eyeglasses, I won't know how close the ground is until I'm slamming into it (With broken bones in tow). 
2.  What happens if the parachute doesn't open.
3.  Suppose I screw up the skydiving process.  I can't exactly step aside, relax a little bit and try again.  Since I'm freefalling towards the Earth at GOD knows how many miles per hour, there's only one chance to get it right.
4.  Throwing my life away on some crazy insane suicidal skydiving stunt simply doesn't work because I got too much to live for.
It's not just skydiving that scares me.  It's any form of extreme sports.  I don't have the courage to go mountain climbing.  I do enjoy skiing, but I tend to ski down the safest ski slopes possible.  I won't mind going scuba diving someday.
So I'll leave the skydiving efforts to somebody else.  I'm too busy going job hunting in hopes of getting my life back on track again.
While I'm lost in thought about skydiving, here is a photo of country music stars Cherrill Green, Hannah Blaylock, and Dean Berner aka Eden's Edge. 
And here are some more photos of Eden's Edge.