Monday, April 2, 2012
Pencils are great if you're expecting to make mistakes and need to erase something. However, pencil scriblings doesn't show up on the paper very much. Pen ink is much bolder on the paper. However, pen ink doesn't erase. There is a special pen ink that can be erased with a special eraser, but I'm not sure if that particular pen is still being sold. When writing with a pen, you really need to think long and hard about what you're going to write before you write it. You can't just scribble first and think about it later (Like you can with a pencil). Pencils are great for people who are reckless when writing stuff down on paper. Pens require you to think long and hard before proceeding. I'm not saying that everybody who's reckless use pencils. To be honest, I don't see much pencil use beyond elementry school, junior high school and high school. Everybody, from the most careful to the most reckless seems to be using pens instead when adulthood enters a person's life.
While I'm thinking about pencils and pens, here is a photo of country music star Sara Evens.