Sunday, April 1, 2012


One of the promises made by the advent of desktop computers and public access to computers is the gradual downplay of paper.  Those who manufacture desktop computers, those who manufacture computer hardware, those who manufacture computer software and those who build and maintain internet websites have promised a paperless society.  Of course, all that depends on EVERYBODY being able to afford a desktop computer, computer hardware, computer software and access to the Internet.  In the United States of America, you can get free Internet surfing access at the Public Library.  I'm not sure if other countries offer free Internet access at the Public Library like the United States of America does.  It would be nice if it were possible to surf the Internet for free at home, but you need a credit card in order to get that started.  Plus, desktop computers, laptop computers, computer hardware and assorted computer software programs are still expensive.  I'm not sure if a 100% paperless society thanks to computers will happen in my lifetime, but it's an admirable goal.  Trees everywhere will be thankful for the effort.  Lumberjacks everywhere will be throwing a fit. 

While I'm lost in thought about trees, here is a photo of fashion model and reality television personality, Heidi Klum.