Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Gentle reader, minimum wage employment is my only source of income.  With that being said, I can't afford to say anything either in person or in my internet blog that's unpopular.  Everytime a prospective employer receives a job application form, they always google up the name and read that person's internet blogs, Myspace pages and Facebook pages in detail.  As a result, I want to make the best possible impression to a prospective employer.  So if a prospective employer is readint this, I want you to know that I'm fast, efficient, hard working and I'm a great asset to every work environment.  Working as part of a team to provide the best in customer service is my biggest goal for minimum wage employment.  I know that if I keep filling out enough job application forms, that I'll be employed again. 
As I'm busy filling out job application forms, here's a photo of film actress Anne Hathaway.