If you're a Conservative Republican, then the arrival of Super Tuesday should be a dream come true. If you're a Liberal Democrat, then the arrival of Super Tuesday would be the continuation of Heck on Earth. Since Liberal Democrat President Barack Obama is the incumbent leader of the United States of America, Super Tuesday is for Conservative Republicans only. Ok, there are also Congressional elections and perhaps a few judges to also choose. However, Super Tuesday is the Conservative Republican Party a chance to shine. And of those choices, there's Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul. Since I'm a Liberal Democrat, I'm going to vote for President Barack Obama. My Conservative Republican sister Dani Siders is going to vote Conservative Republican today. I'm not sure which of the four Dani is going to vote for. What I do know is the Presidential elections is going to keep going for the entire 2012. At the end, we're either going to keep President Barack Obama employed for four more years or we're going to have a new President of the United States. We'll have a better idea which path the United States of America is going to take a few months from now.
As the United States of America is busy participating in the election day process, here are some photos of film actress Anna Kendrick.