Wednesday, May 2, 2012


And so I had two job interviews today.  I'm hoping that one of those two job interviews will result in employment.  I've been needing good news in my search for employment.  It's a rough job search market ever since the Great Recession started.  However, I will survive on less.  Well, I have no choice in the matter.  I have to survive on less because less is all I've got right now.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm thankful for unemployment compensation from the Department of Jobs and Family Services.  I'm not planning to be on welfare forever, but I'm thankful for the opportunity when it's available.  I shall continue to fill out job application forms.  If I make myself as approachable to future employers as possible, my chances to be employed will improve.  For future employers who are reading this, my aspirations for employment is to be part of a team to provide the best in customer services.  My aspirations for employment is to provide customer service that's fast, speedy and efficient.  I'm not really sure how many potential employers are actually reading this, but there's always a chance that somebody who might be in a position to employ me might be googling up my name just to check and see if I'm reliable.  And to those potential future employers, I am reliable. 


While I continue to fill out job application forms, here are some photos of film actress Cameron Diaz.