Sunday, May 20, 2012


I have been tempted to form my own religion.  The problem is that I have no idea what type of religion I should start.  I don't have any new and refreshing ideas about idiology.  I don't have any new or refreshing ideas about religious ceremony.  I don't have any new or refreshing ideas about religious holidays.  I don't have any new or refreshing ideas about what GOD should be or look like.  I'm a very poor choice for the role of a prophet of GOD.  I can't refuse sex for GOD.  I would like to live in the life of luxury, but a life of minimum wage employment (and on rare unfortunate occasions earning unemployment compensation when I'm not employed at all) appears to be chosen for me.  I'm not the sort of person who would reject fame, fortune or even my life in the name of GOD and religion.  I don't dress like a prophet of GOD.  Since most prophet of GOD normally ends up getting crucified and I'm not prepared to die anytime soon, it's probably a good idea to get out of the religion business.  How many years of school there needs to be in the clergy?  How expensive is clergy school?  Will I even get chosen for a congregation once I graduate from clergy school?  I'm already trying to repay my United States Govenment college tuition loans for attending, but failing to graduate (Despite getting 3.0 grade point averages on all the classes) Franklin University.  The last thing I need is more United States Government college tuition loans for more college education that doesn't go anywhere.

As I'm trying to figure out the institution of religion, here are some photos of the most amazing and seductive television actress Emily Deschanel.  Emily Deschanel is the biologic sister of film actress, television actress and rock star Zooey Deschanel.