Saturday, May 19, 2012


I actually thought either yesterday or today was Memorial Day.  However, it turned out that Memorial Day starts next week.  So today is simply Armed Forces Day and next week is Memorial Day.  Hey, it's still a holiday of some sort.  Ok, forty-six nations celebrate Armed Forces Day, but not necessarily on the same day and not necessarily using the same name.  Forty-six nations as diverse ranging from Vietnam to the United States of America has Armed Forces Day on the calender.  Ok, the Vietnam version is actually on December 22 and it's part of the Communist Party propaganda while the United States of America version is either this Saturday to this Sunday.  The England version of Armed Forces Day is on June 27 and it replaced the British version of Veteran's Day.  Singapore Armed Forces Day is on July 1.  The list goes on.  The point is most countries, except for Swizerland, has an army and a need to celebrate it.  Even though I'm a pacifist, I take the time to celebrate the United States Armed Forces and congratulate them all on a job well done.

As I celebrate Armed Forces Day, here are some photos of film actress and televsion actress Jennifer Morrison.  Jennifer Morrison is on the television series Once Upon A Time and she used to be the leading lady of the televisions series House.  She was the screaming virgin survivor who never dies in the horror film Urban Legends: Final Cut